extract data from EEG text file
I need help to write script to exatrct MCAP samples with time it occured in seaerate file and plot so I can use these sampes ton signal procsing application on maltlb this is only art of the data , the file contains tens of CAP samples so need genaral code to exatrrct them
Time Date Sample # Type Sub Chan Num Aux
[22:16:05.000 01/01/2007] 0 " 0 0 0 ## time resolution: 256
[22:16:05.000 01/01/2007] 0 0 0 0
[22:34:35.000 01/01/2007] 284160 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S0 30 W ROC-LOC
[22:35:05.000 01/01/2007] 291840 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S0 30 W ROC-LOC
[22:35:35.000 01/01/2007] 299520 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S0 30 W ROC-LOC
[22:36:05.000 01/01/2007] 307200 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S0 30 W ROC-LOC
[22:36:35.000 01/01/2007] 314880 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S0 30 W ROC-LOC
[22:37:05.000 01/01/2007] 322560 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S1 30 S1 ROC-LOC
[22:37:35.000 01/01/2007] 330240 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S0 30 W ROC-LOC
[22:38:05.000 01/01/2007] 337920 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S0 30 W ROC-LOC
[22:38:35.000 01/01/2007] 345600 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S0 30 W ROC-LOC
[22:39:05.000 01/01/2007] 353280 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S0 30 W ROC-LOC
[22:39:35.000 01/01/2007] 360960 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S1 30 S1 ROC-LOC
[22:40:05.000 01/01/2007] 368640 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S1 30 S1 ROC-LOC
[22:40:35.000 01/01/2007] 376320 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S0 30 W ROC-LOC
[22:41:05.000 01/01/2007] 384000 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S1 30 S1 ROC-LOC
[22:41:35.000 01/01/2007] 391680 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S1 30 S1 ROC-LOC
[22:41:37.000 01/01/2007] 392192 " 0 0 0 MCAP-A3 17 S1 EEG-F4-C4
[22:41:57.000 01/01/2007] 397312 " 0 0 0 MCAP-A3 9 S1 EEG-F4-C4
[22:42:05.000 01/01/2007] 399360 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S2 30 S2 ROC-LOC
[22:42:13.000 01/01/2007] 401408 " 0 0 0 MCAP-A3 11 S2 EEG-F4-C4
[22:42:28.000 01/01/2007] 405248 " 0 0 0 MCAP-A3 23 S2 EEG-F4-C4
[22:42:35.000 01/01/2007] 407040 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S2 30 S2 ROC-LOC
[22:42:57.000 01/01/2007] 412672 " 0 0 0 MCAP-A3 10 S2 EEG-F4-C4
[22:43:05.000 01/01/2007] 414720 " 0 0 0 SLEEP-S2 30 S2 ROC-LOC
[22:43:11.000 01/01/2007] 416256 " 0 0 0 MCAP-A2 6 S2 EEG-F4-C
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Using the data text file that you provided elsewhere (renamed and attached to this answer), here is a short example of one way to parse it. Note that it is not the best way, but it is good enough for starting the discussion:
buffer = fileread( 'data01.txt' ) ;
pattern = '\[([^\]]+).\s+(\d+)\s+"\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d)+\s+MCAP-(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)' ;
data = regexp( buffer, pattern, 'tokens' ) ;
data = vertcat( data{:} ) ;
Running it outputs a cell array of 830 rows associated with MCAP entries, as follows:
I updated the pattern so REGEXP extracts all other “numeric” columns.
>> data
data =
830×9 cell array {'22:41:37.000 01…'} {'392192' } {'0'} {'0'} {'0'} {'A3'} {'17'} {'S1'} {'EEG-F4-C4' }
{'22:41:57.000 01…'} {'397312' } {'0'} {'0'} {'0'} {'A3'} {'9' } {'S1'} {'EEG-F4-C4' }
{'22:42:13.000 01…'} {'401408' } {'0'} {'0'} {'0'} {'A3'} {'11'} {'S2'} {'EEG-F4-C4' }
{'22:42:28.000 01…'} {'405248' } {'0'} {'0'} {'0'} {'A3'} {'23'} {'S2'} {'EEG-F4-C4' }
{'07:08:22.000 02…'} {'8175872'} {'0'} {'0'} {'0'} {'A1'} {'8' } {'S4'} {'EEG-F4-C4' }
{'07:11:27.000 02…'} {'8223232'} {'0'} {'0'} {'0'} {'A1'} {'8' } {'S4'} {'EEG-Fp2-F4'}
{'07:12:08.000 02…'} {'8233728'} {'0'} {'0'} {'0'} {'A1'} {'6' } {'S4'} {'EEG-Fp2-F4'}
{'07:18:31.000 02…'} {'8331776'} {'0'} {'0'} {'0'} {'A1'} {'6' } {'S4'} {'EEG-F4-C4' }
{'07:18:53.000 02…'} {'8337408'} {'0'} {'0'} {'0'} {'A1'} {'7' } {'S4'} {'EEG-F4-C4' }
{'07:19:27.000 02…'} {'8346112'} {'0'} {'0'} {'0'} {'A1'} {'15'} {'S4'} {'EEG-F4-C4' }
{'07:20:29.000 02…'} {'8361984'} {'0'} {'0'} {'0'} {'A1'} {'11'} {'S4'} {'EEG-F4-C4' }
{'07:20:48.000 02…'} {'8366848'} {'0'} {'0'} {'0'} {'A1'} {'12'} {'S4'} {'EEG-F4-C4' }
Now depending what you want to accomplish, you may prefer using a TIMETABLE or a TIMESERIES object, or just some conversion of these columns.