Getting many outputs using blockproc
I want to apply SVD for each 4*4 blocks using the “blockproc” and get 3 outputs: U, S and V so I can reconstract all blocks together again but Matlab gets me “too many ouput arguments”. How can I solve this problem?
fun = @(block_struct) svd(;
[U S V] = blockproc(a, [4 4], fun)
This is the error that I have:
Error using blockproc
Too many output arguments.
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No, this is not possible with blockproc().
You can use something like
function r = blocksvd(block_struct)
[U, S, V] = svd(;
Spad = nan(size(U));
Vpad = Spad;
Spad(1:size(S,1),1:size(S,2)) = S;
Vpad(1:size(U,1),1:size(U,2)) = U;
r = [U; Spad; Vpad];
this returns a 12 x 4 array that can be broken up again into U, S, V.