How can I Count every word with three or more syllables in eachHow can I Count every word with three or more syllables in each

Technical Source
2 min readApr 30, 2022

How can I Count every word with three or more syllables in each group of sentences, even if the same word appears more than once.

Count every word with three or more syllables in each group of sentences, even if the same word appears more than once from a text file

syllables means a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word;

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The only way you can do this is by using a database of word-syllable. Here’s one way using as the database.

FullText = 'This is a really arbitrary sentence.'; 
%'really' could be pronounced 'ree-uh-lee' (3 syl)
TextCell = regexp(FullText, '\w+', 'match');
TextSyl = cellfun(@(x) getSyllable(x), TextCell);
TextSyl =
1 1 1 3 4 2
OneSylWord = sum(TextSyl == 1);
OneSylWord =

Where getSyllable function is:




Technical Source

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