I have previously configured my MATLAB Web App Server to run the server and apps services using particular user accounts. Now, I need to update the account credentials associated with these accounts. How can I do this?


The following steps can be used to change the account used by the MATLAB Web App Server services, or to update the passwords used by these services following a password reset (to change or reset the password for a user account, refer to your OS’s documentation). Note that MATLAB Web App Server uses two services, one for the server and one for individual app sessions.

If you are using the development version of Web App Server, you can update the credentials for the MATLAB Web App Server services by unregistering the current services in the Service Registration tab and re-registering with new credentials.

To change the existing MATLAB Web App Server account credentials on Windows:

  1. Stop the MATLAB Web App Server.
  2. Open the Windows “Services” application.
  3. Find the server and apps services as per this documentation.
  4. Right-click the service and select Properties.
  5. Under “Log On” tab, select “This Account.” Update the user credentials and save your changes.
  6. Start the MATLAB Web App Server.

These steps can be used for both the development and the product versions of MATLAB Web App Server.

Note that on Unix systems, you do not need to update the credentials for the services following a password change/reset. The following steps are only necessary when changing the specific account used to run the services (for example, to set the services to run using a domain account instead of a local account).

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