How can you plot lines of latitude and longitude on a globe without using the mapping toolbox ?
I have a function that displays the countries of the world on a global plot and I need to know how to plot lines of lat and lon in even increments of 10 degrees onto this global plot without using the geoshow command found in the mapping toolbox.
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You can do this easily with the standard matlab function sph2cart. Treat the lines of latitude and longitude separately like this:
R = 6371; % earth radius in km
latspacing = 10;
lonspacing = 20; % lines of longitude:
[lon1,lat1] = meshgrid(-180:lonspacing:180,linspace(-90,90,300));
[x1,y1,z1] = sph2cart(lon1*pi/180,lat1*pi/180,R);
plot3(x1,y1,z1,'-','color',0.5*[1 1 1])hold on% lines of latitude:
[lat2,lon2] = meshgrid(-90:latspacing:90,linspace(-180,180,300));
[x2,y2,z2] = sph2cart(lon2*pi/180,lat2*pi/180,R);
plot3(x2,y2,z2,'-','color',0.5*[1 1 1])axis equal tight off
And since you can see all the way through the globe, perhaps you want to put an opaque sphere inside the globe.