How do I build my model that contains an automatically
How do I build my model that contains an automatically generated S-function, if I do not have the source code?
My model contains an S-function block which was generated by Simulink Coder using the S-function Target (rtwsfcn.tlc). This S-function was generated by another user as described in the following documentation page:
As a result, Simulink generates a few files that include the MEX-file as well as the source code that describes the subsystem. However, for the purpose of protecting intellectual property, the other user did not provide the source code for this generated S-function. How do I generate code for this model using Simulink Coder or Embedded Coder?
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Due to internal changes in the build process, the workflow described below will not work in releases newer than R2015b. For more recent MATLAB releases, the recommended way to share a model with code generation capabilities, while concealing its contents, is to use Protected Models:
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You can build your model without the source code of the S-function as follows:
A) Steps to follow for S-function creator
The user who created the model which contains the subsystem that defines the S-Function performs the following steps:
1. Generate the S-function for the subsystem in the original model as mentioned in the documentation.
2. Look under the mask of the generated S-function block and drag only the green colored block into your model to replace the original subsystem. Additionally, you can also remove the mask for this block by selecting “Edit Mask” from the context menu then clicking on the “Unmask” button.
** If you instead want to generate an S-function for the entire model, build the model (Ctrl-B) using S-function target (rtwsfcn.tlc) and ensure that it has the required inport and outport blocks; then replace the original model with the resulting block.
3. Build the original model (which should now contain the “green” S-function block) to generate the OBJ file for this S-function block. Note that this OBJ file is different from the one that would have also been generated in Step 1.
4. Finally, make sure to include the following files when distributing the model: