How do I update a GUI designed in App Designer with data from a running Simulink model?
I want to update a GUI that I have designed in App Designer using data that is generated during the simulation of a Simulink model. In other words, how do I access run-time parameters of a Simulink model from App Designer?
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Let the Simulink model being used be named “Trial.slx” and the App Designer app being used be named “TrialApp.mlapp”. There are three steps involved in accessing run-time parameters of a Simulink model from App Designer. They are listed below:
1. In the Simulink model callback “InitFcn” function, define:
hApp = TrialApp;
2. In the Simulink model callback “StartFcn” function, call a function named “updateGUI()” as described below. This method will be called every time the specified block’s (“blk”) output method executes.
blk = 'Trial/DisplayBox';
event = 'PostOutputs';
listener = @(app, event) updateGUI(hApp);
h = add_exec_event_listener(blk, event, listener);
3. Create a public method named “updateGUI()” in the app designed in App Designer. This function will get the specified block’s run-time parameters and pass it to the GUI. This function is defined below.