How to import data with titles and plot on a plane ?
I have droplet diameter and coordinates in a CSV file and I want to draw the all these points in 3d space and later project them on a 2D plane. can someone suggest how can I read this data. Thanks in advance.
I’m interested only in droplet diameter and it’s coordinates.
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I am not exactly certain what you want. One way of plotting them in 3D and also projecting them on a plane is to combine a stem3 plot and a scatter3 plot —
Uz = unzip('');
% fc = fileread(Uz{1})
fidi = fopen(Uz{1},'rt');
k = 1;
while ~feof(fidi) & (k<=10)
rl{k,:} = fgetl(fidi);
k = k+1;
VN = strsplit(rl{4}, ' ');
droplets = readtable(Uz{1}, 'FileType','text', 'HeaderLines',5);
droplets.Properties.VariableNames = VN(2:end-1)
droplets = 4670×20 table
TIME X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord Diameter Density U-Velo V-Velo W-Velo UT-Velo VT-Velo WT-Velo Temperatur Life_Time Weber_No Stokes_No Ident Nozzle Proc Imping
____ _________ _________ __________ __________ _______ _________ _________ _________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ _________ __________ __________ _____ ______ ____ ______
0.05 -0.090385 -0.032003 0.0081542 3.4145e-05 959.89 -0.031454 -0.038965 0.013472 -0.0041884 -0.0013082 0.002092 373.15 0.045 7.6791e-07 0.033496 3448 1 7 0
0.05 -0.091358 -0.03418 0.015947 3.6409e-05 959.89 -0.048048 -0.024729 0.016297 -0.0023005 -0.0014205 -0.00089046 373.15 0.0445 1.1324e-06 0.00046301 4065 1 7 0
0.05 -0.095208 -0.030039 -0.0036156 4.1337e-05 959.89 -0.027739 -0.090139 -0.030527 0.022442 -0.021859 0.0024811 373.15 0.0405 2.1372e-06 0.34806 9022 1 7 0
0.05 -0.095018 -0.040921 0.020399 4.6496e-05 959.89 -0.079326 -0.031016 0.016833 0.0010701 -0.0014528 0.0018666 373.15 0.045 3.397e-06 0.0010893 3546 1 7 0
0.05 -0.084277 -0.045149 0.0052363 5.266e-05 959.89 -0.075503 -0.059956 0.0044079 -0.00036266 -0.0015555 0.0017451 373.15 0.045 4.3691e-06 0.00056493 3396 1 7 0
0.05 -0.095041 -0.038119 -0.027047 7.8739e-05 959.89 -0.074046 -0.2798 -0.22825 -0.001181 0.0013092 -0.0007613 373.15 0.0355 0.00010153 0.0026183 11904 1 7 0
0.05 -0.093338 -0.034883 0.022804 5.1174e-05 959.89 -0.075775 -0.057902 0.049309 -0.00028933 0.0017213 0.0013845 373.15 0.0395 5.1543e-06 0.00062802 9929 1 7 0
0.05 -0.090707 -0.057069 -0.0059532 5.417e-05 959.89 -0.088391 -0.071006 -0.013249 0.00022564 0.0013297 -0.00069184 373.15 0.0435 7.0252e-06 0.00037145 5231 1 7 0
0.05 -0.095023 -0.052208 -0.0054762 5.8263e-05 959.89 -0.10234 -0.094789 -0.013927 -0.00076917 0.00018328 0.00095466 373.15 0.0445 1.0662e-05 0.0093345 4165 1 7 0
0.05 -0.089498 -0.035614 0.044709 0.00013526 959.89 -0.014238 -0.41357 0.61117 0.00063334 0.00078877 0.00083319 373.15 0.041 0.00074065 0.0022664 8373 1 7 0
0.05 -0.091463 -0.031236 0.010759 4.5083e-05 959.89 -0.053295 -0.0458 0.020416 0.0003124 0.0058428 -0.00058846 373.15 0.045 2.3234e-06 0.10925 3510 1 7 0
0.05 -0.08727 -0.036753 0.0073399 4.3337e-05 959.89 -0.054384 -0.031757 0.0052104 -0.00040866 0.0016526 -0.0001831 373.15 0.0435 2.193e-06 0.00071105 5235 1 7 0
0.05 -0.078492 -0.045156 -0.014288 5.0382e-05 959.89 -0.068305 -0.039995 -0.012197 0.0013146 -0.0024517 -0.0018704 373.15 0.045 3.5571e-06 0.00043666 3481 1 7 0
0.05 -0.09666 -0.029865 0.009483 3.4918e-05 959.89 -0.042103 -0.066528 0.022839 0.0021231 -0.014508 0.0011205 373.15 0.0445 8.4588e-07 0.24043 4038 1 7 0
0.05 -0.081006 -0.047258 -0.01738 0.00020125 959.89 0.18871 -0.6734 -0.35412 0.00011428 0.0003534 0.00036473 373.15 0.0405 0.0012263 0.0071006 8892 1 7 0
0.05 -0.090334 -0.038719