How to return the state of preivew camera?

Technical Source
1 min readJan 10, 2022


thank you for your help in advance.

Is there something like fopen for gige camera “Preview(g)”?

here is what the code looks like.

Camlist = gigecamlist;
IP = string(Camlist{1,3});
g= gigecam(IP,'PixelFormat','mono8');
g_Res = [g.Width g.Height];
%----------------lines to created figure with tabs-------------------------------------------------------
streamingHandle = uicontrol(tab_ini,'Style','PushButton','String', 'Streaming','Position',[135 10 80 20],'Callback', {@streaming,tab_ini,g_Res,g});
%------------------------------------------------------ callback funtion for push button
function streaming(object_handle,event, tab_ini, g_Res, g)
%% How can i return a value from 'preview(g)' to condition "if"
% if Preview(g) ==1; is opened
% closePreview(g);
% end
dock_tab = axes(tab_ini,'units','pixels','Position',[35,40,g_Res(1),g_Res(2)],'box','on');
nBands = 1; % grey scale
I = image(zeros(g_Res(2),g_Res(1), nBands),'Parent',dock_tab);
preview(g, I);

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%avoid warnings about struct() preventing hiding implementation details
old_warning_state = warning('off', 'MATLAB:structOnObject');
gs = struct(g);
gsw = struct(gs.webcamImpl);
gscpc = struct(gsw.CamPreviewController);
if gscpc.IsPreviewing

Note: you cannot do this directly: several of the properties are hidden properties.




Technical Source
Technical Source

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