Speech Command detection in audio file
I need to remake “Speech Command Recognition Using Deep Learning” example so I can read audio from the wav file and get time intervals in which the command appears, but I don’t know how to change real-time analysis from microphone into static file analysis in this example. Thank you for your help.
%% Detect Commands Using Streaming Audio from Microphone
% Test your newly trained command detection network on streaming audio from
% your microphone. If you have not trained a network, then type
% |load('commandNet.mat')| at the command line to load a pretrained network
% and the parameters required to classify live, streaming audio. Try
% saying one of the commands, for example, _yes_, _no_, or _stop_.
% Then, try saying one of the unknown words such as _Marvin_, _Sheila_, _bed_,
% _house_, _cat_, _bird_, or any number from zero to nine.
% Specify the audio sampling rate and classification rate in Hz and create
% an audio device reader that can read audio from your microphone.
fs = 16e3;
classificationRate = 20;
audioIn = audioDeviceReader('SampleRate',fs, ...
% Specify parameters for the streaming spectrogram computations and
% initialize a buffer for the audio. Extract the classification labels of
% the network. Initialize buffers of half a second for the labels and
% classification probabilities of the streaming audio. Use these buffers to
% compare the classification results over a longer period of time and by
% that build 'agreement' over when a command is detected.
frameLength = frameDuration*fs;
hopLength = hopDuration*fs;
waveBuffer = zeros([fs,1]);labels = trainedNet.Layers(end).Classes;
YBuffer(1:classificationRate/2) = categorical("background");
probBuffer = zeros([numel(labels),classificationRate/2]);framesNumber = audio/frameLength;%%
% Create a figure and detect commands as long as the created figure exists.
% To stop the live detection, simply close the figure.
h = figure('Units','normalized','Position',[0.2 0.1 0.6 0.8]);while ishandle(h)
% Extract audio samples from the audio device and add the samples to
% the buffer.
x = audioIn();
waveBuffer(1:end-numel(x)) = waveBuffer(numel(x)+1:end);
waveBuffer(end-numel(x)+1:end) = x;
% Compute the spectrogram of the latest audio samples.
spec = auditorySpectrogram(waveBuffer,fs, ...
'WindowLength',frameLength, ...
'OverlapLength',frameLength-hopLength, ...
'NumBands',numBands, ...
'Range',[50,7000], ...
'WindowType','Hann', ...
'WarpType','Bark', ...
spec = log10(spec + epsil);
% Classify the current spectrogram, save the label to the label buffer,
% and save the predicted probabilities to the probability buffer.
[YPredicted,probs] = classify(trainedNet,spec,'ExecutionEnvironment','cpu');
YBuffer(1:end-1)= YBuffer(2:end);
YBuffer(end) = YPredicted;
probBuffer(:,1:end-1) = probBuffer(:,2:end);
probBuffer(:,end) = probs';
% Plot the current waveform and spectrogram.
axis tight
caxis([specMin+2 specMax])
shading flat
% Now do the actual command detection by performing a very simple
% thresholding operation. Declare a detection and display it in the
% figure title if all of the following hold:
% 1) The most common label is not |background|.
% 2) At least |countThreshold| of the latest frame labels agree.
% 3) The maximum predicted probability of the predicted label is at
% least |probThreshold|. Otherwise, do not declare a detection.
[YMode,count] = mode(YBuffer);
countThreshold = ceil(classificationRate*0.2);
maxProb = max(probBuffer(labels == YMode,:));
probThreshold = 0.5;
if YMode == "background" || count
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Here is a sketch of how you can achieve this:
1) Read the contents of the audio file
[audioIn,fs] = audioread('filename.wav');
2) Split the signal into 1-second chunks, with overlap between consecutive chunks. The higher the overlap, the higher your resolution (i.e. how close you will be able to detect where the keyword occured)