Test iterations based on Table in Data Dictionary
I’m interested on generating iterations for Simulink Test. The system under test operates based on a truth table, stored in a Data Dictionary. I want to generate iterations from the latest version stored in the data dictionary at the time of testing. If my data is as follows, I would want to generate and test 9 iterations:
table =
1 0 0
1 1 0
1 1 1
2 questions: Are scripted iterations (2 nested for loops) the best way to generate the test cases? If so, how do you use variables from the data dictionary? Currently I get “Undefined function or variable ‘table’” if I try to store the data to pass to my nested loop.
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To clarify, my data dictionary is configured to not allow direct access from the base work space, for a variety of reasons.
As to using data from this dictionary to generate test iterations — I do this to avoid manual update to the test iterations if the data in the dictionary changes, as this data is used by multiple modules.
The answer on how to use this data is loading it into the base workspace at test run time.
Data is stored in “dictionary.sldd” under the “transitions” object. I pass this to my nested loop under the variable “Table”
% Open the dictionary object
DictObj = Simulink.data.dictionary.open('dictionary.sldd'); %open the dictionary object%% Retrieve the section of the dictionary containing the data
SectObj = getSection(DictObj,'Design Data');% Retrieve the data I care about