why is my ea not being recognized?
clc; clear all;
L = 1.25; E = 50000; I = 30000; w0 = 2.5;
syms x
f(x) = (w0/(120*E*I*L))*(-x^5+2*(L^2)*(x^3)-(L^4)*x);
df = diff(f,x);
true = df(2);
roots = solve(f==0, x);
true_roots = double(roots);
xl = 200;
xu = 300;
xr = (xl + xu) / 2;
es = 0.001;
xr_new(1) = xr;
if f(xl) * f(xu) < 0
disp('The function changes sign within this bound')
for i = 1:100
val(i) = f(xl) * f(xr_new(i));
if val(i) < 0
disp('The root lies in the lower interval')
xu = xr_new(i);
elseif val(i) > 0
disp('The root lies in the upper interval')
xl = xr_new(i);
else val = 0;
fprintf('The approximate root of the function is %1.2f \n',xr_new(i))
xr_new(i+1) = (xl + xu) / 2;
ea = abs((xr_new(i+1) - xr_new(i))./xr_new(i+1));
if ea < es
disp('The function does not change sign within this bound')
The function does not change sign within this bound
% Print the results
ea = ea*100;
Unrecognized function or variable ‘ea’.
fprintf('The absolute approximate error is: %1.5f \n',ea)
n_iterations = i+1;
fprintf('The total number of iterations are: %d \n',n_iterations)
root = xr_new(1,end);
fprintf('The approximate root of the function is: %1.5f \n', root)
x1 = -1000 : 1000;
y1 = f(x1);
y = double(y1);
xmin = -1000; xmax = 1000; ymin = -0.5; ymax = 0.5;
plot(x1, y1)
hold on
xlabel('x \rightarrow')
ylabel('\uparrow f(x)')
title('Graphical root')
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There are a few inconsistencies.
(1) The simulation in [for … end] loop never reached due to if condition f(xl)*f(xu) <0. The actual values of f(xl)*f(xu) were in sym and greater than 0. Therefore, by changing it to double and the if condition (f(xl)*f(xu)>), you will get the simulation results.
(2) The found true roots were in sym.
(3) Similarly, y1 = f(x1) was in sym that need to be numerical. Thus, double() is needed.
(4) if val = 0 is not correct that must be val == 0.
(5) It is better (must be) to use fplot() instead of plot to plot actual faction. By this way tru solutions can be shown explicitly — see figure (2).
Here is the corrected code:
clc; clearvars;
L = 1.25; E = 50000; I = 30000; w0 = 2.5;
syms f(x)
f(x) = (w0/(120*E*I*L))*(-x^5+2*(L^2)*(x^3)-(L^4)*x);
df = diff(f,x);
true = double(df(2));
roots = vpasolve(f==0, x);
true_roots =double(roots(:));
xl = 200;
xu = 300;
xr = (xl + xu) / 2;
es = 0.001;
xr_new(1) = xr;
if double(f(xl)) * double(f(xu)) >0
disp('The function changes sign within this bound')
for i = 1:100
val(i) = double(f(xl)) * double(f(xr_new(i)));
if val(i) < 0
disp('The root lies in the lower interval')
xu = xr_new(i);
elseif val(i) > 0
disp('The root lies in the upper interval')
xl = xr_new(i);
else val == 0;
fprintf('The approximate root of the function is %1.2f \n',xr_new(i))